New Codification

Onsite Review of Municipal Records

A thorough review and research of legislative records and the copying process are conducted at the Municipality to eliminate any risk in the removal of irreplaceable originals.

Legal Analysis

All relevant legislation is systematically reviewed by experienced legal counsel to focus on possible conflicts with State law, other legislation or with the charter if one has been adopted; to determine if any provisions appear to be obsolete, unconstitutional or inadequate for present needs; and to assess what gaps there may be in the present legal framework.


A series of conferences is conducted at the Municipality to apprise your legal counsel of the results of our analysis; to offer recommendations for the elimination of problem areas; to provide sample and corrective legislation; and to tailor the Code to existing local conditions and current administrative practice.

Organization of Material

All codifiable material is logically arranged by topical subject to provide ready access to pertinent legislation by Municipal officials. Incorporation of future legislation at the right location in the Code is facilitated by use of a decimal numbering system.


The phraseology of all material in the Code is standardized and spelling, grammatical and typographical errors eliminated. Chapter, title and section headings and legislative histories are prepared, together with cross references to State statutes and related material within the Code. A Comparative Section Table is included near the front of the Code Book which lists the number of each ordinance which is codified and that ordinance’s location in the Code. An adopting ordinance is prepared to satisfy publication requirements and effectuate the Code.


A comprehensive general index to enable the user to easily locate subject matter is placed at the beginning of the Code. Each section contained in the Code is listed at least one time in the general index.

Composition, Style and Format

Suggested use of a standard 8½ x 11 inch double sided page composed in our computer format, printed using one column, justified, proportional spacing with boldface section headings presents an attractive appearance and pages that are easy to read.


Durable, loose-leaf binders incorporating all current material and large enough to allow for future expansion are provided. Thumb tab dividers permit convenient access to component codes. The name of the municipality is engraved on the front and spine of each binder.